

Box Lacrosse

Box Lacrosse is played throughout the Province and is coordinated by LGBs (Local Governing Bodies). The LGBs work alongside the ALA to support and operate the programs across the Province. To learn more about the sport of Box Lacrosse please click on the link below to watch a great video on the sport. 

What is Box Lacrosse?


Men's Field Lacrosse 
Men's Field Lacrosse is coordinated by the Alberta Field Lacrosse Association (AFLA), a non-profit organization that acts as the recognized field lacrosse authority throughout the province of Alberta. The AFLA is a member of the ALA and works alongside the ALA to support, implement, and grow Men’s and Women's Field Lacrosse programs across the Province. 
Women's Field Lacrosse
Women's Field Lacrosse is also coordinated by the Alberta Field Lacrosse Association (AFLA)


Team Alberta

Alberta participates in several National Championships that are hosted yearly by Lacrosse Canada (LC). Teams from Alberta are selected through a try-out process. More information about Team Alberta can be found here

Sanctioned Camps and Events

The ALA Sanctioning is a designation given to camps and events that have adopted a set of operational and safety standards set forward by the ALA. Through the adoption of the sanctioned standards, camps and events commit to providing the best possible lacrosse experience for participants. 

Sportsmanship, Honour, and Safety

The ALA encourages and promotes good sportsmanship among all boys and girls players, with an emphasis on safety and a respect for the game. 

NCAA Lacrosse

No sport has grown faster at the NCAA level over the past decade than lacrosse and club lacrosse is growing just as fast. A record 170 teams played NCAA Division I lacrosse (67 men's, 103 women's) in 2016. 

Players interested in playing varsity lacrosse in college should visit the NCAA website and review the Guide for College-Bound Student-Athletes.

CUFLA Lacrosse

The Canadian University Field Lacrosse Association (CUFLA) is an association of men's field lacrosse teams connected with several universities in Ontario and Québec. Teams compete in the fall with league playoffs typically in early November.